General Information

Full Name Nischal Maharjan
Date of Birth 7th January 1999
Languages English, Nepali, Newari, Hindi


  • 2016-2021
    Bachelor's in Electronics and Communication Engineering
    Tribhuvan University, IOE Pulchowk Campus, Nepal
    • Full Scholarship
    • Aggregate 79.43%
    • Rank 9th in University (Top 1%)


  • April 2021 - Present
    Machine Learning Engineer
    Fusemachines Nepal Pvt. Ltd., Kathmandu, Nepal
    • Joined as an Associate Engineer and gained knowledge and experience by working in projects under experienced Supervisors.
    • Promoted to an Machine Learning Engineer
    • Worked as a Project Lead in client project regarding Couterfeit product detection.
    • Counterfeit product Detection
      • Developed a computer vision pipeline for counterfeit product identification from images. Using multiple areas of interest of given product the custom designed model was trained to classify the product as real or fake. Improved sensitivity and Specificity from 91% to 95% in the test set provided by the client.
    • AutoPricing of Products
      • Developed a pipeline for price prediction of a product given its features such as condition, published date,and other parameters. LightGBM model was used for the task. Various techniques of Outlier rejection and feature engineering was implemented.
    • Area of Interest(AOI) Region detection of Product
      • Implemented object detection model(yolov5) to train and detect multiple area of interest region of a product. Multiple Yolov5 models trained in different settings were combined to generate detection with high precision.
    • Human Trafficking Recognition from Escort Ads and Inter Ad Matching
      • Trafficking Classification on basis of ad image along with various tags such as nudity, age, gender etc.
    • FuseStudio Project
      • Developed a pipeline to convert of Slides and Scripts into the Videos. The slides designed in Google slides were converted into video and the scripts written for slides were used to generate audio. Text to speech model were used along with image processing techniques.
    • FuseAcademics Course Creation
      • Collaborated in syllabus design and content creation for Automation2Go , Basics of Automation & Programming and AI2GO Workshop
      • As a substitute instructor took few online class through fuseclassroom platform on Computer Science For AI for students of QI Roberts High School.
  • 2018-2020
    Robotics Engineer
    Robotics Club, IOE Pulchowk Campus, Lalitpur, Nepal
    • Robots for ABU Robocon 2019
      • Construction of autonomous robots and their control according to the theme of the ABU Robocon competition . The robots took part in the annual internationl competition held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
    • Mentored and oversaw junior batch for ABU Robocon 2020.

Academics and Personal Projects

  • 2019-2021
    Real Time Visual Localisation and Mapping of Mobile Robot in Dynamic Environment(College Major Project)
    • Localisation of the mobile robot in case of changing environment by help of camera using concept of multiview geometry and computer vision.
  • 2019
    Precision Livestock Farming
    • Smart poultry system with automatic maintenance of suitable environment and behavior analysis of chicken using image and sound analysis
  • 2019
    Vehicle Traffic Analysis and Management(College Minor Project)
    • Estimation of Traffic Congestion and controlling of traffic lights for proper management of traffic.
  • 2018
    Sign Language to Speech Conversion Using Gloves
    • Translates sign into speech by detecting gesture of hand by the gloves.
  • April 2022 - June 2022
    Intelligent Character Recognition for Mathematical Documents (Freelancing)
    • OCR for mathematical documents containing equations
  • Oct 2022 - Nov 2022
    Changing Background in Livestream Video (Freelancing)
    • Background segmentation and replacement with overlay images or other effects

Academic Interests

  • Computer Vision
    • Medical Imaging
    • Robotic Perception
    • Image Classification
    • Object Detection
    • Image Segmentation
    • 3D Vision and Reconstruction
    • Image Similarity
    • Feature Extraction and Matching
    • Optical Character Recognition
  • Machine Learning
    • Feature Engineering
  • Deep Learning
  • Automation and Robotics
    • SLAM
    • Navigation
    • Control System

Technical Skills

  • Programming Languages: Python, C, C++, MATLAB, Assembly, MySQL
  • Computer Vision and Image Processing: OpenCV, scikit-image, Pillow,Yolo, Detectron2
  • Deep Learning: Pytorch, Tensorflow, Tensorboard, Keras, CometML
  • Machine Learning: scikit-learn, SciPy, LightGBM
  • Natural Language Processing: NLTK, spaCy
  • Data Anlaysis and Filter: Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
  • Backend: Flask, Rest Framework
  • Hardware design and Fabrication
  • Embedded System Design and Programming
  • Miscellaneous: Git Version Control, AWS, Linux, Excel

Soft Skills

  • Teamwork, Problem Solving, Leadership, Time Management, Project Management, Good Communication

Honors and Awards

  • 2019
    Hardware Thematic Project Winner
  • 2019
    Rohm Award
  • 2017
    Institute of Engineering Scholarship for B.E.
    • Received Full scholarship for studying Bachelor degree in one of the most reputed engineering college of Nepal for securing 160th Rank in entrance examination


  • 2019
    18th ABU Robocon Competition a
    Held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
  • 2018
    First Winter School in AI
    Organized by NAAMII(NepAl Applied Mathematics and Informatics Institute for Research)
  • 2021
    Deep Learning in Medical Imaging (DLMI) Workshop
    Organized by NAAMII(NepAl Applied Mathematics and Informatics Institute for Research)
  • 2019
    3 Days in AI Bursarship Workshop
    Organized by Mpercept
  • 2018
    AT Hackathon
    Organized by Thapathali Campus
  • 2017-2018-2019
    LOCUS Exhibition and Competitions
    Organised by LOCUS, IOE Pulchowk Campus

Volunteering and Teaching Experience

  • 2017 and 2019
    Instructor for Hardware Fellowship
    Organized by LOCUS
  • 2018
    Children in Technology (CIT)
    Organized by LOCUS
  • 2019
    Organizer of Robowarz
    Organized by LOCUS

Other Interests

  • Sports: Basketball, Badminton
  • Music: Flute
  • Art: Sketch, String-Arts, Straw-Arts, Crafts